Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Brian Rx

This blog has been created to keep people up to date on the health of Dr. Brian Buckley, as well as passing on information on fundraising efforts & the search for a liver transplant.


  1. Hats off to everyone for their quick response to helping this wonderful doctor!!!! We support all of your efforts. Our thoughts and prayers are with Dr. Buckley and his family.

  2. I just learned of this situation from one of my daughters, who also lives in Fredericksburg. I was a long-time patient of Dr. Buckley, and trusted and admired him very much, not only as a doctor, but as a friend. He was always pleasant and willing to listen--something many doctors these days are un-willing to do. I don't meet the requirements of a potential donor, so all I can offer are my very best wishes for a successful hunt, procedure and outcome. I will send along a little something to "put in the kitty. Get well soon, and get back to work. Fredericksburg misses you, but Laurel would be lucky to have you. Absolutely Very Best Wishes, Harry Neal
